LekkeSlaap blog
Author: Mika Stanvliet

Of Hobbits and Horses: Having a look at Hogsback
Hogsback. The very word conjures images of unkempt, dark green foliage, cascading water and snowy peaks looming in the distance. It’s a place where fairies are in abundance and every second home looks like it could house Bilbo Baggins. The Eastern Cape has no shortage of quirky little towns with great character, but Hogsback is […]

10 ways to keep the kids happy on a roadtrip
Everyone looks forward to the December school holidays. Kids can’t wait to be done with school and parents swop the desk for the beach or a game park. However, there is one thing parents don’t miss about the holiday ─ the tedious trek with the worst back-seat drivers in the world ─ small humans strapped […]

Family-friendly hikes
It seems like only yesterday you sent the kids back to school. Now the end of term is on the horison and you’re already trying to think of ways to keep the youngsters busy. Luckily, warmer weather has graced South Africa with its return and as the sun rises earlier with each passing day, there […]

Discovering the West Coast the Culture Adventure Way
The West Coast has always held a fascination for most travellers with its icy water, intense blue skies and enough mussels, lobsters and prawns to keep any seafood-lover satisfied. When imagining the West Coast, one almost immediately envisions a summery, coastal holiday, but the area has more on offer than just sunny days and cool […]

10 Winter getaways in the Eastern Cape.
It seems as if we celebrated New Year’s only yesterday and yet we somehow suddenly find ourselves in the middle of autumn! The signs of the approaching South African winter is starting to creep into your everyday life. Getting to work gets harder with your car covered in dew and the roads darker and wetter. […]

Disney inspired holidays for everyday princesses
Most girls have, at some point in their lives, wanted to be a Disney princess. So LekkeSlaap thought it a rather fine idea to source some princess-perfect places for holidays that would encapsulate the style of a Disney© fairy tale for the everyday princess making waves in our world today. That’s right, we’re talking about […]